
Name : Prof.Dr.Suharjono,M.Pd,Dipl.Eng
Title : Education Quality Assurance's Senior Advisor, Brawijaya University
Contact : 62341327834 or 62811313229
E-mil : suhardjo@telkomnet

Name : Prof.DR.Umar Nimran,MA
Title : Vice Rector 4, Brawijya university
Contact :62811313380
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I, Abdullah Helmy, declare that the information provided in this Cv is accurate and hereby authorize Hassall & Assiciates International to make whatsoever it may consider reasonable and necessary to undertake in the course of the Tender assessment in relation to the information I have provided in this CV or any matter which may relate to my suitability for the position for which I have been moninated; and I am available to participate in the Training Course in the role in which I have been nominated in the Tender for the period or periods indicated in the Tender

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Abdullah Helmy
Project Manager

Contact Detail
E-mail:helmyabdul@hotmail /
Business: +62 341 404423
Mobile : 081 2328 0116


Diploma in Training and Assessment System (upgraded)- Victoria University, Australia
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment-Victoria University, Australia
Diploma in Training and Assessment System - Victoria University, Australia
Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training- Victoria University, Australia
Master of Education, Malang State University, Malang
Bachelor of Japanese Languange, Surabaya State University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Language and Proficiency
English (fluent)
Japanese (fluent)
Indonesia (native tongue)

Profesional Experience
  1. Coordinator and Trainer Diploma in Training and Assessment collaborated with Victoria University at PT. INCO, International Nickel Mining Company, Sorowako, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 2008.
  2. Coorinator ang Trainer Certificate IV in training and Assessment collaborated with Victoria university Australia at PT. INCO, International nickel Mining Company, Sorowako, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 2007.
  3. Coordinator and Trainer Certificate IV in Training and Assessment collaborated with Hobart technology Australia at Politeknik Kediri, East Java,Indonesia-2007.
  4. Coordinator and Trainer of Indonesia Australia Specialized Training-Certificate IV in training and Assessment at Jakarta and Makasar 2007.
  5. Coordinator and Trainer in Workplace Assessment Training at PT.INCO, Internasional Nickel Mining Company, Soriwoko, South Sulawesi, Indonesia-2006 and 2007.Define dutis and roles of suffort staffAllocated tasks to staff accordingly including monitor staff requierments re:payments and invoicing.Oversee the conduct of course delivery Preparation and submission of training report to funding body and to Hobart Technolof=gy Australia
  6. Coordinator and Trainer of Indonesia Australia Specialized Training-Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training at Timor Leste-2005
  7. Coordinator and Trainer of Indonesia Australia Specialized Training-Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training and diploma of Taining and Assessment System at Kupang, Mataram, Jakarta dan Makasar-2005.Responsibilities include:
    Finalising budgets incluiding monitoring and appoving all payments
    Defining duties of trainers and support staff & providing staff management overseeing the couduct of couse delivery,speakers and international trainers.
    Monitoring attendance and reguler payments of allowances.
    Reviewing the welfare and training needs of participants throughout the program
    Liaising with the assocoation partners, Lembaga Administrasi Negara and IASTP Jakarta.
    Prepaaration and submission of project reports to funding body
  8. Coordinator the In Indonesia delivery of the Uzbekistan higher Education and Senior Secondary-Vocational program on behalf of Overseas Project Corporation victoria and ADB. This was a study tour to Indonesia involving 60 Directors of Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Education-2004.
  9. Japanese Language Lecturer. Responsibilities include:Writing Lesson Plan,Writing Syllabus and curriculum,Training of Japanese Instructors.
  10. Coordinator of foreign Language Course at Central Servise networks, Brawijaya University. Responsibilities include:Developing Japanese Language Programs, Developing Japanese, Language Teaching Material, Developing test and assessment, Developing Instructors, Making Teaching Schedules, Developing Teachers, Evaluate teacher's perfomence.
  11. Lecturer of Japanese Language departement, Brawijaya University
  12. Lecturer of Japanese at Merdeka University, Malang
  13. Trainer for teaching methodology, curriculum, collaboration and networking Polytecnic lecturer In indonesia.
  14. Japanese language instructor for various Compaies in Indonesia.

Relevant Profesional Development
Upgrade Diploma in Training and Assessment, Victoria University Australia
Long Term Training on Jpan Cultural Study, Tokyo, Japan
Short Term on Techining Methodology, Tokyo, Japan
Short Term on Japanese Communications Skill, Nagoya, Japan
Workshop on Establlishing D4 (Diploma 4)in Polytechinic, Stuttgart, German in Australia Diploma of Training and Assessment, Melbourne, Australia

Summary of Skill and Attibutes
Training and program development
Expert knowledge of vocational education
Networking and capacity building

The influence of Teaching Media in Japanese Language Teaching in Polytechnic Brawijaya University
Managing Japanese Language Coversation Club, Polytechnic Brawijaya University

Computer Skills
Microsoft Word (advanced)
Microsoft Excel (advanced)
Microsoft power point (advanced)

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